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Insolvency Service

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IVA Name Search You can conduct your search by entering the full surname, or if you are unsure of the spelling, just the first few characters of the surname. The firstname is optional.

   Firstname (Optional)

The Individual Voluntary Arrangement Register is a publicly available Register.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, occasionally errors may occur. If you identify information which appears to be incorrect or omitted, please inform us by emailing insolvency@economy-ni.gov.uk .

The Insolvency Service cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions as a result of negligence or otherwise.
The Insolvency Service does not endorse, nor make any representations regarding, any use made of the data on the register by third parties.

Please note we may share information on Individual Voluntary arrangements with Credit Reference Agencies, which may affect your credit rating